
Born and raised in Poland with some over-active adventure gene, my luck sent me to India when I was 16. I spent two years there completing the high school diploma at Mahindra United World College, but it wasn’t enough.

So I traveled, worn off my backpack, and moved to the US to finish college. That’s still an on-going process, so I distract myself traveling to ‘newer’ and ‘newer’ places, looking for one to call my own.

I think it will take a while before I settle for anything. In the meantime – enjoy!

24 thoughts on “About

  1. wspaniały plan.. skąd Ty znajdujesz na to energię? (pytanie o pieniądze byłoby nietaktowne, ale też potwornie mnie to nurtuje.. :))

    • Hej :)! Dzieki! Energia zbiera sie sama podczas roku szkolengo, z frustracji, ze zmeczenia rutyna… i tez z determinacji do spelnienia wlasnych marzen. Uwielbiam podrozowac. A pieniadze? Poszczescilo mi sie ze stypendiami i teraz pracuje dorywczno na studiach i kumuluje co sie da na kolejne wyprawy. Wbrew pozorom da sie dotrzec naprawde daleko za naprawde zaskakujaco male pieniadze. Pozdrawiam!

  2. I really like your blog, UWC brought me here, how was MUWCI because I have applied to the UWC just have to pick my top three to take to the interview :)

  3. Hiya, cheers for the like! I’m also hooked on adventuring and traveling (and chocolate). A couple of my friends went to UWC. Looking forward to reading more of your experiences in Central America :)

  4. How fun! It’s so inspiring to find people who are not bound by their current situation/where they live/where they work…what a neat life you live!

    Cheers to adventure!

  5. Really enjoying your blog–especially your post about making the playground area for the kids. Those small things can really make a difference in their lives. Thanks for what you’re doing.

  6. I, too, enjoyed the tire turtle. Since becoming a mother, I have become such a softy for the little things that make a huge difference in a childs’ life. Keep doing what you are passionate about…it is often said that the thing we spend the most time doing is (with joy, that is) what we should be doing!

      • How fun! That is one state I’ve actually never been too. What made you choose the US? :)

    • The differences in academic systems – I really liked the idea of Liberal Arts education and freedom to choose/change majors along the way. In Europe you usually have to stick to the one choice you make right after HS and… I don’t think I was entirely ready for that. Sorry for the late reply! Hope you get a chance to visit RI some time!

  7. Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved some of your write-ups and travels. Its very subtle . I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. :)Great work

  8. What wonderful opportunities you have had to be able to travel overseas for study :-)
    We look forward to seeing what other travel experiences you have into the future! Happy travelling.

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